[Mod] Bloodborne Plain Doll Armor for Skyrim

After about a million hours of work, I’m happy to share with you the plain doll’s outfit for Skyrim! Seriously, I had so many issues working with this mesh I’m amazed I finished it at all. A labor of love, really. More images in the slideshow above, and lots more on my tumblr. Textures are all ported from the game.

Quick info:

  • Female only, for now
  • Cloth armor rating
  • Craftable at a forge (no perk required) or can be bought from Radiant Raiment in Solitude

Unfortunately, at this time I’ve failed to create a Special Edition conversion that doesn’t distort the UV map of the mesh and I have no idea why. Feel free to make your own conversion, maybe you’ll have better luck than I have. Will update the downloads when I get it working.

  1. Reply Sukma Zaki February 6, 2018 at 10:19 am

    Can i make a mirror of this mod? I will give you credits 😀 or i just need to redirect the link here?

    • Reply Kiria February 7, 2018 at 2:20 pm

      I’d prefer you to redirect to this page if you’re sharing the mod as it is. However, feel free to translate or update the mod as you’d like.

  2. Reply shrigga January 29, 2020 at 6:09 am

    can you please post a link to bloodborne hunter armor mod

  3. Reply Lanalmo January 16, 2022 at 2:28 pm

    May I use this mod for my mod, Plain Doll in Skyrim?

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